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  • 高等教育出版社
  • 9787040448740
  • 1版
  • 30423
  • 43230635-5
  • 平装
  • 异16开
  • 2016年4月
  • 330
  • 199
  • 文学
  • 外国语言文学
  • 通用
  • 五年制高职、高职

 UNIT 1 Learning English: an easier way
  Lesson 1 Learning English by singing
  Lesson 2 Learning English by watching films
  Lesson 3 Learning English through news
  Lesson 4 Making your newspaper
 UNIT 2 Building relationships
  Lesson 1 Maintaining relationships
  Lesson 2 Making up or breaking up?
  Lesson 3 Learning to make up
  Lesson 4 Dealing with difficult people
 UNIT 3 Traveling abroad
  Lesson 1 On the way
  Lesson 2 Finding your way
  Lesson 3 Eating out
  Lesson 4 Sharing travel stories
 UNIT 4 Selling
  Lesson 1 Where to sell
  Lesson 2 What to sell
  Lesson 3 How to sell
  Lesson 4 How to apologize
 UNIT 5 Getting ready for a job interview
  Lesson 1 Knowing about the company
  Lesson 2 Responding to invitation letters
  Lesson 3 Preparing to answer interview questions
  Lesson 4 Attending a job interview
  Part 1 What have we learnt and what shall we do next?
  Part 2 Time for good-byes
 Activity cards
 Phrases and expressions