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  • 复旦大学出版社
  • 9787309050646
  • 1-1
  • 27284
  • 0051170002-3
  • 平装
  • 长16开
  • 2006年
  • 文学
  • 外国语言文学
  • H311.9
  • 公共英语
  • 本科
Unit1 Understanding Public Speaking
Part One Communication Skills
Part Two Lecture Example
Part Three Exercises
Part Four Lectures in Practice
Part Five Selected Famous Sayings for Speech
Unit2 Using Language Effectively
Part One Communication Skills
Part Two Lecture Example
Part Three Exercises
Part Four Lectures in Practice
Part Five Selected Famous Sayings for Speech
Unit3 Setting the Goal and the Subject
Part One Communication Skills
Part Two Lecture Example
Part Three Exercises
Part Four Lectures in Practice
Part Five Selected Famous Sayings for Speech
Unit4 Organizing the Speech
Part One Communication Skills
Part Two Lecture Example
Part Three Exercises
Part Four Lectures in Practice
Part Five Selected Famous Sayings for Speech
Unit5 Making Speech Introductions
Part One Communication Skills
Part Two Lecture Example
Part Three Exercises
Part Four Lectures in Practice
Part Five Selected Famous Sayings for Speech
Unit6 Making Speech Endings
Part One Communication Skills
Part Two Lecture Example
Part Three Exercises
Part Four Lectures in Practice
Part Five Selected Famous Sayings for Speech
Unit7 Rehearsing the Vocal Delivery of the Speech
Part One Communication Skills
Part Two Lecture Example
Part Three Exercises
Part Four Lectures in Practice
Part Five Selected Famous Sayings for Speech
Unit8 Using the Body Effectively
Part One Communication Skills
Part Two Lecture Example
Part Three Exercises
Part Four Lectures in Practice
Part Five Selected Famous Sayings for Speech
Unit9 Impromptu Speech
Part One Communication Skills
Part Two Lecture Example
Part Three Exercises
Part Four Lectures in Practice
Part Five Selected Famous Sayings for Speech