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  • 高等教育出版社
  • 9787040584882
  • 1版
  • 454393
  • 45246318-5
  • 16开
  • 2022-10-31
  • 410
  • 284
  • 地学、地矿类
  • 研究生(硕士、EMBA、MBA、MPA、博士)

 1 Seismic Experimental Sites:Challenges and Opportunities
 2 Seismotectonics and Geodynamics of the Eastern Marginof the 'Tibetan Plateau with Implication for the CSES
 3 From Plate Loading to Regional Fault Network: 'TowardMechanical Understanding of the Kinematics
 4 CSES Community Velocity Models in Southwest China
 5 Three-Dimensional Community Active Faults Models of CSES
 6 CSES Community Deformation Models in Southwest China
 7 Interseismic Coupling Along the Xianshuihe-Xiaojiang FaultSystem
 8 Three-Dimensional Crustal Structure and SeismicityCharacteristics of Changning-Xingwen Area in the Southwestern Sichuan Basin,China
 9 Estimated Casualty Risk for Disaster Preparation in Five Scenario Great Earthquakes,Sichuan-Yunnan Region, China .......... .
 10 China Seismic Experimental Site: Seismicity,Ergodicityand Nowcasting Earthquakes
 11 Characterization of the San Andreas Fault by Fault-ZoneTrapped Waves at Seismic Experiment Site,Parkfield,California: A Review
 12 A Brief Introduction to the Major Science and TechnologyProducts and the 2019 Highlights Scientific and TechnologicalProgress of China Seismic Experimental Site (CSES)