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  • 高等教育出版社
  • 9787040592801
  • 2版
  • 454388
  • 45240835-4
  • 异16开
  • 2022-09-28
  • 284
  • 196
  • 通用
  • 本科

 Unit 1 Medicine
  • Exploring the Topic
  • Understanding the Text
   Text A Learning from China
   Text B Eastern and Western Approaches to Medicine
  • Improving Reading Ability
   Scanning in Reading
  • Enhancing Cultural Awareness
  • Taking a Global Perspective
  • Telling Chinese Stories
  • Assessing Your Learning
 Unit 2 Clothing
  • Exploring the Topic
  • Understanding the Text
   Text A Qipao Comeback
   Text B How Jeans Became Popular in the World?
  • Improving Reading Ability
   Skimming in Reading
  • Enhancing Cultural Awareness
  • Taking a Global Perspective
  • Telling Chinese Stories
  • Assessing Your Learning
 Unit 3 Food
  • Exploring the Topic
  • Understanding the Text
   Text A To the People, Food Is Heaven
   Text B What Food Says About Class in America?
  • Improving Reading Ability
   Predicting in Reading
  • Enhancing Cultural Awareness
  • Taking a Global Perspective
  • Telling Chinese Stories
  • Assessing Your Learning
 Unit 4 Leisure
  • Exploring the Topic
  • Understanding the Text
   Text A How China's Long-Standing Teahouses Foster Urban Stability
   Text B The Great British Pub
  • Improving Reading Ability
   Making Inference in Reading
  • Enhancing Cultural Awareness
  • Taking a Global Perspective
  • Telling Chinese Stories
  • Assessing Your Learning
 Unit 5 Humor
  • Exploring the Topic
  • Understanding the Text
   Text A The Differences in American and Chinese Humor
   Text B The Differences Between American and British Humor
  • Improving Reading Ability
   Using Contextual Clues (I): Synonyms
  • Enhancing Cultural Awareness
  • Taking a Global Perspective
  • Telling Chinese Stories
  • Assessing Your Learning
 Unit 6 Entertainment
  • Exploring the Topic
  • Understanding the Text
   Text A Making Chinese Films for the Chinese
   Text B Hollywood
  • Improving Reading Ability
   Using Contextual Clues (II): Transitional Signals
  • Enhancing Cultural Awareness
  • Taking a Global Perspective
  • Telling Chinese Stories
  • Assessing Your Learning
 Unit 7 Environment
  • Exploring the Topic
  • Understanding the Text
   Text A China's New Generation as Environmental Frontier
   Text B What Makes Europe Greener than the U.S.?
  • Improving Reading Ability
   Distinguishing Facts from Opinions
  • Enhancing Cultural Awareness
  • Taking a Global Perspective
  • Telling Chinese Stories
  • Assessing Your Learning
 Unit 8 Architecture
  • Exploring the Topic
  • Understanding the Text
   Text A Heads Up! Roofs in Traditional Chinese Architecture
   Text B The Seven Key Characteristics of Gothic Architecture
  • Improving Reading Ability
   The Bottom-Up Model of Reading
  • Enhancing Cultural Awareness
  • Taking a Global Perspective
  • Telling Chinese Stories
  • Assessing Your Learning
 Unit 9 Education
  • Exploring the Topic
  • Understanding the Text
   Text A China's Push for Education Equality
   Text B The Real Crisis in American Education: The Hardest One to Talk About
  • Improving Reading Ability
   The Top-Down Model of Reading
  • Enhancing Cultural Awareness
  • Taking a Global Perspective
  • Telling Chinese Stories
  • Assessing Your Learning
 Unit 10 Philosophy
  • Exploring the Topic
  • Understanding the Text
   Text A What Can Americans Learn from Confucianism?
   Text B True Happiness: Aristotle
  • Improving Reading Ability
   The Interactive Model of Reading
  • Enhancing Cultural Awareness
  • Taking a Global Perspective
  • Telling Chinese Stories
  • Assessing Your Learning