- 中国铁道出版社
- 9787113305390
- 1版
- 531550
- 16开
- 2024-08
- 城市轨道交通工程技术
- 高职 教育培训
第1章 桥隧基础知 1
Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge of Bridges and Tunnels 1
1.1 桥隧建筑限界 1
1.1 Stnucture gauge of bridge and tumnel 1
1.1.1 限界的种类 2
1.1.1‘Types of gauges 2
1.1.2 建筑限界设计原则
1.1.2 Design principles for structure gauges 5
1.1.3 桥隧建筑限界 6
1.1.3 Stnucture gauge of bridge and tunnel 6
1.1.4 限界的检查和管理 9
1.1.4 Inspection and management of gauges 9
1.2 桥梁设施基础知识 12
1.2 General knowledge of bidge infrastructure 12
1.2.1 桥梁的组成与分类 12
1.2.1 Components and classification of bidge 12
1.2.2 桥梁的荷载 19
1.2.2 Loads on bridges 19
1.2.3 桥粱上部结构 21
1.2.3 Superstructure of bidge 21
1.2.4 桥梁下部结构 26
1.2.4 Substruct ure of bridge 28
1.2.5支座 28
1.2.5 Bearing 28
1.2.6 桥梁基本附属设施 35
1.2.6 Basic axiliay facilities of bridge 35
1.3 隧道设施基础知识 44
1.3 General knowledge of turnel infrastructure 44
1.3.1 地下结构的荷载 44
1.3.1 Loads on underground structures 44
1.3.2 隧道施工方法 45
1.3.2 Methods of turmel construction 45
1.3.3 隧道结构形式 46
1.3.3 ‘Tlypes of tunnel stnuctures 46
1.3.4 隧道防水要求 58
1.3.4 Requirements of tunnel waterproofing.58
课后练习 71
Exercises 71
第⒉章 桥梁作业 72
Chapter 2 Bridge Operations 72
2.1 桥梁常见病害 73
2.1 Common disexses of bidge 73
2.1.1 伸缩缝的病害及成因 73
2.1.1 Diseases and causes of expansion joint 73
2.1.2 支座的病害及成因 75
2.1.2 Dise:ases and causes of bearings 75
2.1.3 混凝土梁的病害及成因 77
2.1.3 Diseases and causes of ooncrete beams 77
2.1.4 钢结构锈蚀 86
2.1.4 Comrosion of steel stnucure 86
2.2 桥面作业 89
2.2 Bridge deck operation 89
2.2.1桥面检查 89
2.2.1 Bridge deck inspection 89
2.2.2 桥面找平作业 91
2.2.2 Leveling operaion of bridge deck 91
2.2.3 桥面防水涂料施工 94
2.2.3 Construction of waterproo paint for bridge deck 94
2.2.4 桥面防水层作业 95
2.2.4 Construction of waterprodf layer for bridge deck 95
2.2.5 桥面铺装层养护 97
2.2.5 Maintenance of bridge deck pavement layer 97
2.2.6 桥面伸缩缝养护 98
2.2.6 Maintenance of expansion joint on the bridge deck 98
2.2.7 桥面排水设施养护维修 99
2.2.7 Maintenance and repair o bridge deck drai nage facilities 99
2.2.8 作业通道及栏杆 102
2.2.8 Operating pas sages and railings 102
2.3 桥跨作业 104
2.3 Bridge span operaion 104
2.3.1 桥下检查 104
23.1 Inspection under bridge 104
2.3.2 混凝土梁整修 104
2.3.2 Renovation of concrete beam 104
2.3.3 钢结构整修 109
2.3.3 Renovation of steel stnucture 109
2.3.4 作业验收 122
2.3.4 Operation acceptance 122
2.4 墩台作业 123
2.4 Pier and abutment operation 123
2.4.1 支座及墩台检查123
2.4.1 Inspection of bearings and piers 123
2.4.2 支座养护 124
2.4.2 Maintenance of bearing 124
2.4.3 运营线路桥梁支座更换 129
2.4.3 Replacement of bridge bearings on operating lines 129
2.4.4 墩台裂缝修补 134
2.4.4 Crack repair of pie and abutment 134
2.4.5 作业验收 137
2.4.5 Operation acceptance 137
2.5 桥梁维护验收及质量评定 138
2.5 Acceptance and quality assessment of bridge maintenance 128
2.5.1 桥梁维护管理 138
2.5.1 Bridge maintenance management 138
2.5.2 综合维修验收 141
2.5.2 Acceptance of oomprehensive maintenance 141
2.5.3 保养验收 145
2.5.3 Acceptance of preventive maintenance 145
2.5.4 桥梁质量评定 148
2.5.4 Quality ass essment of bridge 148
课后练习 150
Exercises 150
第3章 隧道作业 152
Chapter 3 Tunnel Operations 152
3.1 隧道常见病害 153
3.1 Common diseases of tumnel 125
3.1.1 渗漏水 153
3.1.1 Water leakage 153
3.1.2 衬砌裂损 155
3.1.2 lining damage 155
3.1.3 衬砌劣化 160
3.1.3 lining deterioration 160
3.1.4 道床病害 160
3.1.4 Diseases of track bed 160
3.2 隧道检查 161
3.2 Turnel inspection 161
3.2.1 隧道结构设施的检查内容 161
3.2.1 Inspection contents of tunnel structural facilities 161
3.2.2 隧道检查的技术要求 163
3.2.2 Technical requirements for turmel inspection 163
3.3 防水堵漏作业 171
3.3 Waterproofing and plugging operation 171
3.3.1 表贴式止水带施工作业 171
3.3.1 Construction of surface-mounted waterstop 171
3.3.2 引排水施工作业 173
3.3.2 Construction operation of water diversion and drainage . 173
3.3.3 堵漏施工作业 175
3.3.3 leaking stoppage constnuction 175
3.4 加固作业 191
3.4 Reinforcement operation 191
3.4.1 整体道床轨道支撑块加固作业 191
3.4.1 Reinforcement o track support board on monolithic track bed 191
3.4.2 整体道床结构注浆补强加固作业 193
3.4.2 Grouting reinforcement of monolithic track bed structure 193
3.4.3 转辙机基坑结构补强加固作业 197
3.4.3 Reinforcement of track switcher foundation pit structure 197
3.4.4 ―排水沟作业 198
3.4.4 Drainage ditch operation 198
3.4.5 双液微扰动注浆加固作业 201
3.4.5 Reinforcement of dual-liquid microcisturlance grouting 201
3.4.6 衬砌裂缝注浆补强作业 206
3.4.6 Reinforement of lining crack grouting 206
3.5 隧道维护验收及质量评定 208
3.5 Acceptance and quality assessment of turmel maintenanoe 208
3.5.1 隧道维护 208
3.5.1 Tunnel maintenance 208
3.5.2 隧道维护验收 213
3.5.2 Acceptance of tunnel maintenance 213
3.5.3︰隧道质量等级评定 214
3.5.3 Quality ass essment of tunnel 214
课后练习 217
Exercises 217
参考文献 218
Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge of Bridges and Tunnels 1
1.1 桥隧建筑限界 1
1.1 Stnucture gauge of bridge and tumnel 1
1.1.1 限界的种类 2
1.1.1‘Types of gauges 2
1.1.2 建筑限界设计原则
1.1.2 Design principles for structure gauges 5
1.1.3 桥隧建筑限界 6
1.1.3 Stnucture gauge of bridge and tunnel 6
1.1.4 限界的检查和管理 9
1.1.4 Inspection and management of gauges 9
1.2 桥梁设施基础知识 12
1.2 General knowledge of bidge infrastructure 12
1.2.1 桥梁的组成与分类 12
1.2.1 Components and classification of bidge 12
1.2.2 桥梁的荷载 19
1.2.2 Loads on bridges 19
1.2.3 桥粱上部结构 21
1.2.3 Superstructure of bidge 21
1.2.4 桥梁下部结构 26
1.2.4 Substruct ure of bridge 28
1.2.5支座 28
1.2.5 Bearing 28
1.2.6 桥梁基本附属设施 35
1.2.6 Basic axiliay facilities of bridge 35
1.3 隧道设施基础知识 44
1.3 General knowledge of turnel infrastructure 44
1.3.1 地下结构的荷载 44
1.3.1 Loads on underground structures 44
1.3.2 隧道施工方法 45
1.3.2 Methods of turmel construction 45
1.3.3 隧道结构形式 46
1.3.3 ‘Tlypes of tunnel stnuctures 46
1.3.4 隧道防水要求 58
1.3.4 Requirements of tunnel waterproofing.58
课后练习 71
Exercises 71
第⒉章 桥梁作业 72
Chapter 2 Bridge Operations 72
2.1 桥梁常见病害 73
2.1 Common disexses of bidge 73
2.1.1 伸缩缝的病害及成因 73
2.1.1 Diseases and causes of expansion joint 73
2.1.2 支座的病害及成因 75
2.1.2 Dise:ases and causes of bearings 75
2.1.3 混凝土梁的病害及成因 77
2.1.3 Diseases and causes of ooncrete beams 77
2.1.4 钢结构锈蚀 86
2.1.4 Comrosion of steel stnucure 86
2.2 桥面作业 89
2.2 Bridge deck operation 89
2.2.1桥面检查 89
2.2.1 Bridge deck inspection 89
2.2.2 桥面找平作业 91
2.2.2 Leveling operaion of bridge deck 91
2.2.3 桥面防水涂料施工 94
2.2.3 Construction of waterproo paint for bridge deck 94
2.2.4 桥面防水层作业 95
2.2.4 Construction of waterprodf layer for bridge deck 95
2.2.5 桥面铺装层养护 97
2.2.5 Maintenance of bridge deck pavement layer 97
2.2.6 桥面伸缩缝养护 98
2.2.6 Maintenance of expansion joint on the bridge deck 98
2.2.7 桥面排水设施养护维修 99
2.2.7 Maintenance and repair o bridge deck drai nage facilities 99
2.2.8 作业通道及栏杆 102
2.2.8 Operating pas sages and railings 102
2.3 桥跨作业 104
2.3 Bridge span operaion 104
2.3.1 桥下检查 104
23.1 Inspection under bridge 104
2.3.2 混凝土梁整修 104
2.3.2 Renovation of concrete beam 104
2.3.3 钢结构整修 109
2.3.3 Renovation of steel stnucture 109
2.3.4 作业验收 122
2.3.4 Operation acceptance 122
2.4 墩台作业 123
2.4 Pier and abutment operation 123
2.4.1 支座及墩台检查123
2.4.1 Inspection of bearings and piers 123
2.4.2 支座养护 124
2.4.2 Maintenance of bearing 124
2.4.3 运营线路桥梁支座更换 129
2.4.3 Replacement of bridge bearings on operating lines 129
2.4.4 墩台裂缝修补 134
2.4.4 Crack repair of pie and abutment 134
2.4.5 作业验收 137
2.4.5 Operation acceptance 137
2.5 桥梁维护验收及质量评定 138
2.5 Acceptance and quality assessment of bridge maintenance 128
2.5.1 桥梁维护管理 138
2.5.1 Bridge maintenance management 138
2.5.2 综合维修验收 141
2.5.2 Acceptance of oomprehensive maintenance 141
2.5.3 保养验收 145
2.5.3 Acceptance of preventive maintenance 145
2.5.4 桥梁质量评定 148
2.5.4 Quality ass essment of bridge 148
课后练习 150
Exercises 150
第3章 隧道作业 152
Chapter 3 Tunnel Operations 152
3.1 隧道常见病害 153
3.1 Common diseases of tumnel 125
3.1.1 渗漏水 153
3.1.1 Water leakage 153
3.1.2 衬砌裂损 155
3.1.2 lining damage 155
3.1.3 衬砌劣化 160
3.1.3 lining deterioration 160
3.1.4 道床病害 160
3.1.4 Diseases of track bed 160
3.2 隧道检查 161
3.2 Turnel inspection 161
3.2.1 隧道结构设施的检查内容 161
3.2.1 Inspection contents of tunnel structural facilities 161
3.2.2 隧道检查的技术要求 163
3.2.2 Technical requirements for turmel inspection 163
3.3 防水堵漏作业 171
3.3 Waterproofing and plugging operation 171
3.3.1 表贴式止水带施工作业 171
3.3.1 Construction of surface-mounted waterstop 171
3.3.2 引排水施工作业 173
3.3.2 Construction operation of water diversion and drainage . 173
3.3.3 堵漏施工作业 175
3.3.3 leaking stoppage constnuction 175
3.4 加固作业 191
3.4 Reinforcement operation 191
3.4.1 整体道床轨道支撑块加固作业 191
3.4.1 Reinforcement o track support board on monolithic track bed 191
3.4.2 整体道床结构注浆补强加固作业 193
3.4.2 Grouting reinforcement of monolithic track bed structure 193
3.4.3 转辙机基坑结构补强加固作业 197
3.4.3 Reinforcement of track switcher foundation pit structure 197
3.4.4 ―排水沟作业 198
3.4.4 Drainage ditch operation 198
3.4.5 双液微扰动注浆加固作业 201
3.4.5 Reinforcement of dual-liquid microcisturlance grouting 201
3.4.6 衬砌裂缝注浆补强作业 206
3.4.6 Reinforement of lining crack grouting 206
3.5 隧道维护验收及质量评定 208
3.5 Acceptance and quality assessment of turmel maintenanoe 208
3.5.1 隧道维护 208
3.5.1 Tunnel maintenance 208
3.5.2 隧道维护验收 213
3.5.2 Acceptance of tunnel maintenance 213
3.5.3︰隧道质量等级评定 214
3.5.3 Quality ass essment of tunnel 214
课后练习 217
Exercises 217
参考文献 218