图书详情 | 《森林生态系统土壤和植物分析(英文版)》
图书分类 一 〉农学 一 〉林学


Daniel John Vogt等 著;




新华国采教育网络科技有限责任公司 折后价:¥89.00 定价:¥89.00
  • 高等教育出版社
  • 9787040350760
  • 1版
  • 44950
  • 46254530-2
  • 精装
  • 16开
  • 2015-02-03
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  • 330
  • 221
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  • 农学
  • 林学
  • 0907
  • S718.51
  • 环境类
  • 研究生及以上
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 Part I Context of Soil and Plant Analysis
  1 Overview of Soil and Plant Analysis for Forest Ecosystems
   1.1 Soils are Physically, Chemically and Biologically Complex
 Part II Introductory Methods in Soil and Plant Analyses
  2 Field Characterization of Soils to Establish Sampling Protocols
   2.1 Soil Sampling Design and Methods
   2.1.2 Soil Sample Process Procedure
  3 Plant Tissue Characterization
   3.1 Tissue Sampling
   3.2 Tissue Preparation and Laboratory Extraction
  4 Introduction: Laboratory Practices
   4.1 General Laboratory Protocol
    4.1.1 Safety
    4.1.2 Laboratory Water
    4.1.3 Clean-up
    4.1.4 Waste Disposal
 Part III Soil Physical, Chemical and Biological Analyses
  5 Methods for Analyzing Soil Physical Characteristics
   5.1 Soil Moisture
    5.1.1 Direct Methods of Estimating Soil Moisture and Soil Water Potential
    5.1.2 Procedure to Determine Gravimetric Water Concentrations
   5.2 Soil Bulk Density
    5.2.1 Soil Bulk Density Methods
   5.3 Soil Texture (Particle Size Analysis or Mechanical Analysis)
    5.3.1 Soil Texture Methods
   5.4 Soil Water Potential
    5.4.1 Pressure Plate Apparatus Procedure: Soil Moisture Release Curve
  6 Soil Chemical Characterization
   6.1 Soil pH
    6.1.1 Measuring pH
    6.1.2 The Care of pH Electrodes
   6.2 Electrical Conductivity (EC)
    6.2.1 Saturated Paste Extract Procedure: Electrical Conductivity
   6.3 Ion Exchange in Soils
    6.3.1 Cation Exchange Capacity
    6.3.2 Exchangeable Cations
    6.3.3 Extraction Procedures for Exchangeable Cations and Cation Exchange Capacity
   6.4 Exchangeable Soil Acidity
   6.5 Extractable Inorganic Soil Nitrogen
    6.5.1 Extraction Methods for Inorganic Soil Nitrogen
   6.6 Soil Phosphorus
    6.6.1 Methodology for Measuring Soil Phosphorus
    6.6.2 Procedure: Extractable Inorganic Phosphorus
   6.7 Soil Carbon and Organic Matter
    6.7.1 Dry Combustion Procedure: Total Soil Carbon and Nitrogen
    6.7.2 Loss on Ignition (LOI) Procedure: Total Soil Organic Matter
    6.7.3 Walkley-Black Procedure: Soil Carbon
   6.8 Selective Dissolution of Iron and Aluminum
    6.8.1 Extraction Procedure: Organically Complexed Iron and Aluminum
    6.8.2 Extraction Procedure: Non-crystalline Soil Iron and Aluminum Oxides
  7 Total Plant and Soil Nutrient Analysis (Digestion)
   7.1 Wet Oxidation Method
   7.2 Dry Oxidation Method
   7.3 Total Dissolved Carbon and Nitrogen in Water
   7.4 Modified Kjeldahl Digest Procedure: Sulfuric Acid Digest for “Total” Nutrients
   7.5 “Total” Nutrient Analysis Procedure:Dry Ashing Followed by Nitric Acid Digest
   7.6 Total Dissolved Nitrogen in Water Procedure:Persulfate Oxidation
  8 Soil Biology Characterization
   8.1 Soil Microbes
    8.1.1 Archaea and Bacteria
    8.1.2 Fungi
    8.1.3 Soil Algae and Cyanobacteria (Blue-green Algae)
   8.2 Methods for Determining Soil Microbial Diversity and Populations—Numbers and Biomass
    8.2.1 Direct Culture, Microscopy and Image Analysis
    8.2.2 Microbial Numbers and Microbial Biomass
   8.3 Mycorrhizas
    8.3.1 Types of Mycorrhizas
    8.3.2 Sampling Mycorrhizas
    8.3.3 Determination of Mycorrhizal Fungal Species
    8.3.4 Ectomycorrhizal Quantification
    8.3.5 Identification of Ectomycorrhizal Sporocarps
    8.3.6 Quantification of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Colonization
   8.4 Indirect Indices for Soil Biological Activity
    8.4.1 Soil Respiration
    8.4.2 Decomposition Rates of Litter
    8.4.3 Soil Enzymes
    8.4.4 Functional Biodiversity—Phospholipid Ester-linked Fatty Acids (PLFA) and Substrate Utilization Profiles
    8.4.5 Molecular Tools for Ecological Systems
   8.5 Soil Invertebrates
    8.5.1 Macrofauna with Emphasis on Earthworms Extraction Methods
    8.5.2 Mesofauna
    8.5.3 Microfauna
   8.6 Nitrogen Transformations
    8.6.1 Nitrogen Fixation
    8.6.2 Denitrification
 Subject Index